There hasn't been any banjo work lately, but I have been tinkering in the shop and having a lot of fun drawing future shop improvements in SketchUp.
Here we have some boards glued under my workbench so it's actually usable for clamping stuff, a knife handle being glued up, and my new router table.
The router table is based off Rudy's over at Bluestem Strings. I made the insert from 3/8" Garolite. The next to last photo shows the setup for pattern routing the bit hole to match the stock base. The top is laminated from 1" melamine-covered particle board and 1/2" plywood. I routed out the hole and glued and screwed maple cleats to hold the insert. Tee nuts embedded in the plywood grab threaded rods that extend through channels routed in 2x10 legs and through the bottom. Nuts and washers are counterbored in the bottom. Some light sanding and a couple coats of shellac and boiled linseed oil slapped on finished the job. It's sturdy and it works. All it needs is a proper fence with a dust port.