Sunday, June 8, 2014

Bench hook

We had this cradle my grandpa made a few decades ago, but it was too big and heavy to keep around as a toy. After checking with the family to make sure no one else wanted it, I decided to use the wood.

Here's the dismantling and first project, a simple bench hook for cutting stuff with the Lowes special pull saw. The cradle sides were both straight grained quartersawn oak, so I grabbed one of them for the base of the bench hook. The stop and cleat (under the far side) are just pieces cut off the ends of the same board.

Gluing the fretboard

Here's the fifth string tunnel tube bent to fit the curves it must traverse, gluing the fretboard and peghead overlay, and a closeup of the tube sanded flush with the fretboard.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Rasp handles

A while back I made a handle for a dragon rasp. I recently made the second and took all of one construction photo.

The idea came from I used cherry from the stash. Like Dan said, saw around the shoulder, pare it down, shape the handle, drill, insert the tang, and tap the end of the handle to seat. I didn't do the burn-in treatment. I mainly used a small block plane to make the octagonal facets. Easy, fun, functional.

Also shown is one rasp taking a two day vinegar bath for sharpening. It helped. Except that rig soon fell over and dumped a pint of vinegar all over everywhere. The second time was the charm with a proper curved clamping fixture.